Wedding table decoration: The centerpiece

Wedding table decoration: The centerpiece

Indispensable to achieve a gorgeous table decorations, table center is available in all materials and all colors. We will see in this article that if the flowers and plants remain widespread centerpieces, how to use them to evolve in recent years. Place simplicity. Riding on the phenomenon of "do it yourself" brides confectionnent increasingly themselves their centerpieces and opting for cheaper and more accessible compositions. Right in this movement, I propose here to discover the latest trends in table centerpiece. Ready for a guided tour in the table decoration universe?

Centerpiece: vase and its contents

If floral decorations appear less impressive, they are now more put their container. In full design trend, the vase is diversifying in all forms and all materials Ceramics, zinc, wicker, glass? I invite you to take a little trip into the world of materials.


Stalled in recent years, ceramic vases make a comeback with more modern shapes and more cheerful colors (red vases Photo Susan Avery). Today, ceramics is available in many color schemes and you will have no difficulty agreeing a vase to your wedding colors.
Crockery items can be diverted to form the original supports and inexpensively. You can opt for low and floral compositions, presented in square plates (Photo Joce and Alice) or bowls for an Asian theme. A few candles, a grid set and flowers will look great for your table centerpiece. The bowl will be perfect to host country bouquets which populate your tables. As for the coffee mugs (Photo or the teapot, they will be adequate for a theme vases on the coffee.
centre de table mariage composition florale assiette tasse vase

Metal Centerpiece

Metallic materials such as zinc or aluminum are also on the rise. You will find in many commercial zinc pots of various shapes (square pots Photo Susan Avery), ready to welcome your floral compositions. For a country theme, consider including bucket or watering can zinc filled with flowers as table centerpieces. Most original, the milk jugor the champagne bucket filled with flowers submerged surprise your guests.
centre de table mariage composition florale arrosoir pots seau

Natural Centerpiece

For a bucolic decor, wicker may emerge as an ideal medium to receive your bouquets. Simple baskets will be able to beautify the center of your tables, but you can also use wicker sculptures plows (Photo Brides), mill ....
For a mountain or country theme, you can also make vases in tree trunks (Photo Ohjoy) .L'écorce apparent will give your decor a rustic and authentic side.

Glass Table Centre

Very fashionable, glass is now very appécié for its transparency, highlighting the curve of flowers. Square Vase, cylindre, jar, tube, Swan (Photo ... Glass containers of any abound in the form of decoration store shelves for our delight. For smaller budgets, know that the vases are also available for rent (abc decoration, decodamour ...).
Inspired by Ikebana floral arrangements play on geometric effects, some flowers wrapped in a cylindrical vase or slipped into a tube vase enough to dress your table centerpiece. Sobriety and purity will combine to create very design decorations.
centre de table vase transparent tube ikebana fleurs immergées
Among the most common containers, basins filled with water, adorned with flowers and floating candles, flower on tables marriages for a trend and stylish décor. The glass combines with iron to create unique solifloreshighlighting the unique beauty of a flower. The trend is also at the disposal operations and increasingly centerpieces have petals or flowers immersed in tubes vases or bowls. You can also float flower buds on the water of large bins transparent dishes. An idea that is sure to surprise your guests ...
centre de table fleurs en vase vasque eau soliflore bac

Play also on the wealth effect by placing many vases of various sizes in the center of your table. The most unusual containers can also be used in the manufacture of your centerpieces. So simple drinking glasses can be mobilized to contain flowers. For a more elegant version, choose stemware (Photo Joce and Alice) as cocktail glasses (TheKnot), wine, balloon, champagne flute, martini vase that will bring up your table decoration. For a more modern decor, whiskey glasses or tall glasses (tumbler) will serve staggered vase for your flowers. Empty perfume bottles present your flowers gracefully. The small glasses (Photo Orlando) will also contain the button with a flower and easily pile up to create a refined decoration. You can also make mini greenhouses (Photo Brides) by covering the bottom of a vase or a potting aquarium where you have planted different varieties of plants.
centre de table fleurs en verrine verre serre
The fishbowl is also needed as a container of choice that will fit many floral (flower or submerged wrapped inside).For a refined and romantic touch, add above your high vases a lamp shade and place a candle in the middle. This center table, proposed by Wedding Design Studio will delight your guests. In this spirit plant, you can also decorate your vases by pasting tree leaves. An idea that is perfect for a theme about the nature.
centre de table mariage fleurs en vase lampe bocal ikebana arum

Centerpiece: The flower arrangements

Due to their diversity and freshness, plants often are needed as a central element of a table setting. To the delight of florists, magic lavish floral arrangements remains a staple of the wedding decorations. Unfortunately, such beauty has a price and floral arrangements are expensive to purchase. Furthermore, the constraints to achieve its self-floral appear numerous: significant cost flowers, need to have bases in floral art, time constraint before the big day ?. All this leads to entrust the floral decoration is a professional florist, or a relative who will take charge of this task entirely. Increasingly common, floral art course will be a great addition to help you in achieving your centerpieces. Remember to look if there are workshops offering such courses near you. You will also find interesting sites on the internet that will help you in designing your own compositions. Here are a few:
the site of Art and Craft 
the site of Floriscola 
the site of Strelitzia 
the site of Jehan Sauval 
the site Flower Games 
the site of Capucine 
the site olive garden 
forum of professionals (member access only)
Less expensive and more practical, dried flowers can also be used to make your centerpieces. They adapt perfectly to a theme of autumn or spices. To give you an idea, make a detour to the site Head to model that explains how to make a dried composition.
Among the many flower arrangements, we retained some very original designs that will dress your table with style centers. These include compositions in gift package. Easy to carry, simply poking the heads of flowers in a foam cube, you nouerez a ribbon to make a centerpiece quite remarkable.
For a gourmet theme, cake or cake created from flowers will probably feel with your guests. Play with colors and shapes of flowers for making a cake floor in shimmering colors. In this spirit, you can also use a cake pedestal which you can top both cupcakes and pink buttons (Photo Dutch Office of flowers). A decoration so British?
What's more surprising that a hanging flower ball above your table centerpiece! Air and colorful, this decoration haillera your room with elegance. You can not hang decorations over your tables? Then hang the ball in a vase, as the composition proposed by Orlando. To do so, attach the ball to a tape that you will hang on a stick resting on the edges of the vase.
centre de table mariage paquet cadeau en fleur boule de fleurs pièce montée en fleurs
The cage may also inspire you with beautiful flower arrangements. Make a frame and curly willow branches or wire and slide inside your flowers. A perfect table centerpiece for a theme on birds?
Your centerpiece can also take the form of a nest made ​​from twigs and branches. Then poke flowers in the edges of the nest to decorate the composition. Little more, drag inside the nest dragees imitating bird eggs!
centre de table mariage cageen branchages  échelle bambou nid
You can also perform a composition shaped crown that will adorn your table centerpiece. Some candles inside and that's a splendid decoration? Increasingly popular, paths plant table are biased on tables receptions. If Ivyremains the species most used to dress the centerpieces, remember that olive branches or sprigs of lavenderwill perfectly illustrate a Provencal theme. You can also make a spice bush table runner foliage, flowers or fruits in vegetable foam blocks (Photo Squares catnip or with a few flowers (daffodils, buttercup?) Will make an unusual centerpiece and full of freshness.
Inspiring you to ikebana, you can make light and harmonious compositions. Some rods will be sufficient to provide support to keep your flowers suspended. You can achieve such a scale from wand. Find achieving listing for this establishment on the site of Aurora and Flora.
Very original, this exotic composition as guardian created by Orlando, undoubtedly surprise your guests. Realize tutors linking together four sticks vertically, then connect the various tutors them by sliding rods horizontally, on which you hang your flowers.
In this Zen spirit, the lucky bamboo in its simplest pageantry will be used to make simple yet elegant centerpieces.On the vortex principle, chopsticks tied together make a centerpiece base whose simplicity will do more than enhance the beauty of the flower (orchid, Strelitzia?) He will present.
centre de table mariage couronne de fleurs faux gazon en chemin de table tourbillon branches d'olivier buisson pot de fleurs

Very popular in the US, the tree or tree branches are often used to create majestic centerpieces. Small potted shrubs will be able to decorate your table and bring a touch of freshness to your cover. Consider including boxwood you can carve your way (ball, the heart?) Or the bonsai, perfect for a wedding zen theme. The topiary will inspire many shapes (heart, animals?) That gracefully adorn your centerpieces. Remember to use iron trellis to make vegetal sculptures based ivy particular. Guaranteed effect on your table!
You can also simply use bare branches painted white, silver or gold that you decorate as you wish. Hang in there such as crystal beads, as in this composition of Etheral decor with magical accents. You can also hang from the branches of lanterns (Photo Charlestonweddingsmag) that will bring to your table intimate lighting and refined.Unleash your imagination and decorate photo tree, feathers, flowers ...
centre de table mariage arbuste buis arbre de cristal et perles

Centerpiece: The Recycling

You realize a wedding on a budget? The following paragraph is likely to interest you. If you do not have the budget to buy vases, know that many media may be recovered and diverted to make your centerpieces. Cans (PhotoDutch Office of flowers) and will be very practical and inexpensive vases. Spray-painted or wrapped in paper, you can play on the pitch by selecting boxes of various sizes, as in this example.
Glass yoghurt pots can also be pretty bud vases that will decorate your table centerpiece. You can also use painted bottles decorated with napkin technique to be used as a vase.
For lovers of tea, consider keeping your empty boxes of tea (Photo Martha Stewart) that you can recycle handy metal vase, just like cake boxes. The cases of wine (Photo The knot) of wood also make ideal containers for floral arrangements and adapt perfectly to a theme on wine.
centre de table mariage récup boîte de conserve boîte de thé caisse de vin bouteille
Cardboard can also be used to make boxes that will host with elegance your bouquets. Chinese cardboard boxes(photo lowerpossibilities) will be an original support for an Asian theme. You can also have your bouquets in papercones (Martha Stewar t). Shoe Boxes (Photo Nozzedintorni) can be customized to create flower pots that can be stacked. Cake molds (Photo explanation of Holland and flowers) agree perfectly with a gourmet theme, a rugby ball or basketball will fit a sports theme, condiment pots perfectly illustrate a theme on spices'. To inspire you, try the site Flowerpossibilities and that of the Dutch Office of flowers, which will give you many ideas to divert everyday objects in flower vases.
centre de table mariage récup boîte chinoise boîte chaussure cornet moule à gâteau ballon rugby

Gourmet Centerpiece

Here is an initiative that is sure to awaken the senses: offer your guests centerpieces they can feel, but also taste.In this idea, centers candy tables will certainly be appreciated by gourmets. Bags of sweets, lollipops and candy self-service arranged in transparent vases are both centers of aesthetic and appetizing tables. In a more refined version, you can also create sculptures candy that will entertain your guests. To discover how to make a cake with candy, consult this link.
The fruits are also a rich source of inspiration for your centerpieces. You could for example make fruit baskets available to your guests. Adapt to your wedding theme offering exotic fruits (Photo Orlando) such as pineapple, papaya, guava? for a wedding on the islands, oriental fruit (lychees, nashi apples, rambutans) for an Asian wedding,local fruits for a regional marriage (apple, pear, peach?)? Your guests will undoubtedly appreciate this little trip into the world of flavors. For a wedding in your region or city, you can also carry baskets of local products (fruits, sweets, cakes) you'll discover your guests. More likely, the fruits will also be presented immersed in large vases or glasses. Orange, apple, grapes will blend perfectly in a table setting bucolic and tangy.
centre de table mariage gourmandise bonbons plateau de fruits pièce montée en bonbons
Vegetables also decorate your tables perfectly for a theme of autumn or vegetable garden. Squash, pumpkin, squash will towering centerpieces. Consider digging to fill the flowers or drag a candle inside: these natural lanternswill look great. Also remember to stack your vegetables for a centerpiece while height. Pumpkin particularly lend itself perfectly to a table center piece mounted.
Besides taste, the fruits may be used only for decorative purposes. To create a magical effect, you can sprinkle your fruit> glitter or paint them in gold paint or silver. These sparkling fruit will not fail to amaze your guests' If you have chosen a theme of Snow White or Adam and Eve, the apple can be enhanced by single letters written in his flesh. You can for example write the initials of the married or spell the name of your tables. Finally, fruits and vegetables, once dug, can serve as your vase bouquets. Apples or pumpkins flower can then decorate your tables.
centre de table mariage fruits immergés dans vase pomme raisin bougie pommes
If you have chosen like spices wedding theme, inspired in you this idea of, you can use different spices (cinnamon sticks, star anise, curry, cumin ') to sketch geometric shapes or writing on a mirror laid flat.Spice up a few candles that illuminate your centerpiece table.
centre de table mariage épices sur miroir bougie citrouille courge vase photophore citrouille

Bright Centerpiece

Light is a decorative element not to be overlooked during his wedding reception, so light tables centers are welcome on the tables married. Candles and appear unavoidable and industry have understood developing ranges of all kinds (flower shaped candles, cakes, animals?). Some candles accompanied by fresh flowers make an elegant centerpiece. But you can also decorate your candles in the enrubannant example dried plants (corn, lavender, corn '). More expensive to purchase, the candlestick will be a very romantic table center which you simply to decorate with flowers.
Recently appeared hanging chandeliers, allow you to hang your lanterns for a magical effect! If you have a tree in center of table, you can also securely holds your candle jars.
centre de table mariage bougies ebrubannés de feuilles de maïs chandelier fleuris

Original Centerpiece

You organize your wedding on a particular theme or you want to centers of different tables usual flower arrangements, here are some ideas for you.
With a little skill, you can make cardboard or wooden models which majestically adorn your centerpieces. The castle is particularly suitable for a medieval theme or fairy tales. You can also use the technique of paper macheto make sculptures. A globe (Photo may, for example illustrate a theme on the trip, a boat theme of the sea, a mill, a rustic theme?
For weddings on a budget, you can decorate your composition centerpieces paper flowers. To discover how achieve these flowers, try the site Créamalin. Your paper creations may take the form of anemones, of trees to roses, various flowers ...
Flowers in nylons may also be an interesting alternative. I also advise you to visit the website of Cfaitmaison,which will tell you many links to make flowers of all kinds (crepe paper, beads ...).
This is an original way to entertain your guests during the meal: make centerpieces carries pictures where you will hang pictures of you, your ancestors or your guests' A nice way to personalize her wedding.
centre de table mariage maquette châtau fort fleurs en bas nylon photo globe
Equally entertaining and original, goldfish in a jar (Photo plus a surprise 'Pair it with a theme of the sea or on Asia and that's one of the most vibrant decoration! The Cage birds may also serve as a centerpiece, once filled with flowers.
The round of Contents is invited to the wedding table, you will be spoiled for choice. Strewn on the table or feather duster, feather dress your tables with grace and pleasure. The rollers evoke the relaxing atmosphere of zen attitudewhile sand, corals and shellfish (Brides) perfectly illustrate a theme of the sea.
In a design in mind, you can by a clever play of mirrors and glass plates, create a table upstairs in the center of the most beautiful effect (Photo Figurative art course will inspire your table decorations. Use statues, toys like this car to decorate your centerpieces.
Finally, because the trend is to air decorations, you can bring to your table center height by some subterfuge. To give your guests feel butterflies flying over their table, slide your centerpieces, long stems will be set after which butterflies, guaranteed effect!
If the balloon decorations were dated in recent years, it appears that they found a second wind with more stripped presentations. Bet on sobriety and hang some balloons to your centerpieces (Photo TheKnot). Play on the heights and color to make a cheerful and colorful decoration, inhabited a childish mind.
centre de table mariage statue voiture ballons  papillons miroirs empilés
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