Ideas for wedding car decoration

Ideas for wedding car decoration

If the choice of the vehicle may seem trivial, it will be provided indicative of the style you want to give your reception. Thus, the 2 CV or Beetle bring a humorous and light touch to your wedding when a car collection evoke the elegance of grand receptions. Of course the car every day may very well lend itself to the exercise of the procession married 'and will prove also in many practical ways to swallow the often voluminous wedding dress!
Also, consider that other means of transport (carriage motorcycle?) Will completely transport the married, as discussed in more detail in this article. Still, the choice of vehicle is insignificant or decisive for you, car decoration appears almost essential. So to help you in this step, here are some ideas from here and there ?.

The wedding car: The front of the vehicle

Flower arrangements

Among the many car decorations, the most common solution remains the floral composition to fix on your hood with a foam cube oasis with suction cups, which you can acheterchez your florist. Rates compositions vary according to the size of the composition and the desired flowers, count on average 70? 150? the composition. Also be aware that some florists may support integral decoration of your car: tulle, handle ?. A significant solution when we know that married rarementle have time to take care of the decoration of the car the day J. C? Is why this task is entrusted to a close, which often is the driver of the car.
You can have flower garlands located diagonally across the hood or dispersing along the bodywork. You can use natural flowers or paper flowers that you will have made ​​yourself following these instructions. The garland can be attached along the windshield to the hood or bonnet up to the roof.
Easy to achieve, you can also make a bouquet to file lying on your hood. If your car has a long hood, you can also have your bouquet in reverse, with the rods of the windshield side and panache flowers falling down cover (Photo traction Lignespure s). Place your car decoration under the sign of humor hanging flowers to your wipers.
(In flowery corner, In the female,, composition, dreamstime, sleek, deco-art-floral)
Choose your flowers flower composition according to your wedding theme. Thus palm leaves, birds of paradise, will be perfect for an exotic theme. The roses are ideal for a romantic theme. If you want to make yourself your floral composition, know that we find in floralisa, brackets with suction cup specially designed to be attached to the car of the married;
You can also play with the leaves as this ball from leaves that give the flower arrangement all its originality. It is also emphasized the originality of this car decoration featuring a round composition placed on the hood is connected by small son beaded covering the roof of the car.
There are many flower arrangements of all kinds and we do not pretend here expose completeness of such compositions, but give you some ideas to add value to your home. So for a country theme, please add raffia in your compositions, the strands flying in the wind will bring a touch of lightness. Ivy can also be mobilized to decorate your car. Secure and long ivy vines along the bodywork (bonnet to the boot) as if nature invading your vehicle? An inexpensive decoration and easy. For an exotic decor, consider using sheets of large palm trees thatcover your hood. Drooping plants like amaranth (foxtail) will help give volume to your flower arrangements.
Also consider the wreath of flowers that will adorn the front of the car. Use an oasis foam wreath in which you Piquerez flower stems. Then hang the wreath with a ribbon. Bet on the profusion realizing a sort of floral bushwhich traverses the cover.
The curve of your car will also be a factor to consider in your design, all corners are good at decorate ?. You can then place flower arrangements in front of the headlights of a 2CV or on the step of a pull.
(bush, porsche, ivy, Cedarhillflorist)
The heart
Among the floral arrangements, the heart remains the widespread composition to decorate your car. To fix on the bonnet, on the bumper or on the trunk, no doubt sublimate your vehicle the day J. Symbol of love, it may well be declined in different versions. For a romantic theme to perfection, the heart of the roses will impose itself by its elegance. So you can achieve with fresh flowers stuck into the oasis foam or with paper flowers attached to a polystyrene core. the heart of daisies also represent a nice nod it for a theme on Love. For a more natural look, you can surround the heart of the e liana ivy whose frayed fly in the wind when you drive.
Also consider using other materials that plant to make your floral arrangement. Thus, the plastic mesh for garden will be a practical support for sketch you have a heart surrounded by a garland Bolduc (Book 100 dreamcreations).
For a wedding on the wedding theme of angels or the Roaring Twenties, surround your heart what a feather boa.You can then decorate the inside of the heart with plants, flowers or butterflies'
(Bianca Ladele,, Perfect wedding day, handmadebyfairies, plastic, heart, ivy)
In a more refined version, you can opt for the heart of branches with a few flowers. Choose flexible branches such as willow to sculpt your ur.Réalisez the two bundles of branches which serve to make both sides of the heart. Give the branches as a center half and tie the two bundles together with string.
Just like what the heart of branches directed by Floragil, this type of decoration perfectly illustrate a rustic theme.To represent the married couple, you can decorate the car married 2 hearts together.
Asymmetry also play as this presentation where one side of the core is covered ivy white roses.

Modern compositions

In the spirit of ikebana, car floral compositions rely increasingly on sobriety. Pure line and counting are the hallmarks of this new trend very fashionable. In this perspective, you can opt for symmetrical compositions gaits playing on bamboo or wooden grids to hang with suction cups on your hood. These compositions are perfectly will accommodate long-stemmed flowers like arum or strelitzia that illustrates perfectly an exotic theme. Consider also the foliage such as palm or banana leaves to decorate your cortège.Le grid itself can play a decorative role by drawing geometric shapes: triangle, scale ... This type of decoration can also be used to also decorate the doors by attaching floral grids, now small bouquets.
In this modern spirit, simplicity will be put, as evidenced by such as lilies lying on the hood of the car, thanks to a suction system. in a more elaborate version, the florist has decided to entangle the flowers together to form a triangle covering the hood of the car.
(grid, Aufeminin, lilies, Flickr, Grid, In female)
In this new floral trend, the flowers lose their heads? Now the bud is needed alone as an ornament. Guests can play simplicity aligning few buds stuck on your hood or your doors by a florist adhesive. For a more flashy decor, go for dispersing the profusion of flower buds throughout your body or on the doors. For a design effect, you can draw through a flexible rod arabesques along your hood and thus enhance the curve drawn some buds. A delicate and elegant decoration you like them?
Play also on matters by making a round wooden support emphasize your floral decorations. To bring a touch of originality, you can decorate the hood of the car married, with polystyrene balls covered with petals, as in this presentation of Candida. The pen will bring lightness to your car decoration, as evidenced by this presentation combines feathers and pink flowers held by a rigid rod. To cover the hood, a triangular frame covered with flowers will look great!
The geometric effects will also not left for floral arrangements. You can then sketch a cover of the lower arc to outside of the windshield with tulips or gladiolus lying that will give the illusion of motion effect. You can then decorate the root of the composition of a wire mesh set of iron and beads that will fall at the bumper.
It is also emphasized the slender elegance of these compositions covering the entire length of the hood. If you choose a car with a round cover this kind of composition will be especially suitable.
(1 Fleur59, 4 In female, 2, 3 and 5 Candida)

Tapes and fabrics

The grace of ribbon and fabric can be put to the car decoration service. The tulle is par excellence the most practical fabric to decorate your car. His dreamy effect may well dress the rear tray of your vehicle, and your cover.It will combine more perfectly with floral compositions. Hang and two tulle sides fairly thick on top of the hood and join them on the front (V-shaped) by making a big ud do. For a Zen version of twisted branches will be added to the tulle.
Tulle can also have diagonal roof to the opposite side of the hood, as if the car had her bridal veil ?. Roses will be hung along the tulle ribbon. Place under the tulle to create a valuable purpose. With humor, you can also decorate your car wheels by making only small knots tulle or ribbon hanging on your hubcaps.
The tape can also be utilized to decorate your vehicle. Thus a simple colored tape placed diagonally on the hood will accommodate flowers or butterflies stitched or sewn with a needle. Play also on the colors using ribbons of different colors thus creating a rainbow effect. Quite simply a large rosette will adorn the hood. Attach them a piece of tulle that will cross the car hood to the trunk through the roof.
(Photo Lamborgini Lm prestige, tulle, aufeminin, modern wedding, roundel)
If the mesh remains the star of the car decorations, are emerging as other tissues including the nonwoven which allows you to also realize strips and decorative knots do for your car. Consider also that the mixture of fabrics may be the most beautiful effect. Thus the presence of a satin fabric, combined with the lightness of tulle can be a decoration of the most sublime for your cover.
Praised for its convenience, the curling ribbon you will achieve large decorative bows that will enhance your voiture.Vous able to take large swathes of fabric you re-hausserez of nodes placed at strategic locations like the middle of the hood, the roof or the middle of the chest.
(roof, diagonal, in feminine, curling ribbon, 5 and 6aufeminin)
To flourish your car, you can add the ribbon taut small decorative bouquets placed at the same distance from one another. For a more informal because you can stretch all along the car's wide parallel strips on which you disperserez here and there heads of flowers pinned on the ribbon. This will give the car married the illusion offlowers behind. Play also on color using multiple ribbons of different colors. Just like the car decoration combining burgundy and yellow ribbons in perfect harmony with the floral compositions arranged on the cover.
(Seattle flowers, ribbon, tulle, WCAR)

The extras

To customize your car decoration, do not hesitate to add decorations related to your wedding theme. Thus lint will be a theme on children or Walt Disney, feather wings attached to your hood will join a perfectly themed on angels,fruit or vegetable compositions can illustrate a theme of autumn or summer, candy sculptures represent a theme gluttony ?. You can even bring a touch of humor by turning two cars into married. As both smarts lifelike. Let your imagination to find the detail that makes the difference ?.

The wedding car: Handles

Aside from the hood, it is common to decorate the car handles and mirrors. To help you in this step, here are some ideas ... Just do node tulle remains a timeless design that you can decorate with flowers and ribbons. You can also purchase tassels, tulle rosettes or for decorating your guests cars. Another idea: no nodes tulle butterflies. To do this, simply cut a square mesh. Fold the tulle accordion. You get a rectangle, pinch at the middle of the rectangle and tie with a ribbon to form bow tie. For a slightly more elaborate decoration, you can make the rosettes.To discover various techniques of achieving knots, make a detour on the site Martha Stewart.
In a cheerful and whimsical reception you can hang your mirrors small colored bouquets. For a larger effect, you can surround your flower stem or bunch of tulle or non-woven.
If you aimezla light hanging decorations, choose garlands to hang on your handles, which will fly to the wind during your journey. Flowers, foliage or ribbon will be perfect to make your ornaments garlands.
Again raffia will be involved for an ornament on a t heme country. For a decorative design in mind, play your sobriety by attaching handles a single long-stemmed flower (arum for example) with a ribbon tulle.
For a more refined decoration, you can opt for a suspended composition of white roses to hang on your rearview mirror. You can also suspend your mini crowns handles gypsophile for example, you will set with a ribbon. An original and elegant decoration both "For weddings Apetit budget, consider that the bolduc will completely replace fabric ribbons to make your compositions. You can use decorative bows to adorn your door handles.
Bet on the profusion of tape to give a nice fallen back to your handles decorations. To illustrate, these small bouquets of pink hydrangea set by different ribbon thicknesses brings to the car decoration all its elegance.
Apart raffia, other materials can be put to use in the car ornament. Dream and passion has had the idea of integrating into the wire twisted her white rose. The pen will be the ornament of choice for a decoration on thetheme of angels. You could for example use a feather boa to decorate the handles or the rearview mirror of the car married.
(Flickr, hydrangea, passion Dream, Photo Cécile Bertaux, passion Dream)

The wedding car: The vehicle

After the front and the car handles, it only remains to find ideas to dress the back of your vehicle. The trunk first will be a fertile ground for decoration. If your car has a flat chest, you can attach a classic or modern floral composition in shades of your wedding. You can achieve with a bunk bolduc node whose center will be decorated with flowers. Then ask this composition on the chest for a stylish effect.
The crown will also be a popular ornament to decorate the back of the vehicle. Covered in ivy, roses, carnation flower ... Choose your liking. You can also use crowns evocative shape as heart attached to the vertical trunk. Thebrackets oasis foam will help you achieve compositions set to the rear of the vehicle such as hearts or roses this horseshoe entirely covered with flowers. Small humorous touch, this small cushion shaped stamped heart "Just married" is the messenger married.
The tulle again will draw the diagonals on your chest or fallen in a V finally a large knot or a small bouquet of flowers. Tulle can also be used to create a train to the car of mariés.les designers have pushed the metaphor to adorn the front of the car with a crown.
A picture of this Indian-inspired decor, your car will be adorned with a thousand colors with multicolored flowers garlands. They will shape and symmetrical patterns emphasizing the contour of the car.
(trolling, newandblue, perfect day, tulle, flowers)
If you want a lighter decor, you can buy or make garlands pompoms. Drop the fluttering to the ground and these wreaths will look great when you drive. For a similar effect, you can hang on the lower body long ribbons that will fly in the wind. Very fashionable, origami can also inspire figurative folds (butterfly, bird?) Which, once secured with tape or nylon thread, will fly at the mercy of drafts. Warning only in good weather!
If it is customary to attach cans in the back of the car married, Marie Claire ideas you propose a revisited version with papier mache pots.
(Marie clear idea, Marie claire ideas, x, Martha Stewart, x)

Some balloons will also bring a touch of freshness to your vehicle. You can be grouped at the rear of the car or sprinkle along the bodywork. Finally, the eternal cans to hang lower body will undoubtedly be a noisy way to announce your wedding. to beautify the presentation you can attach some pompoms or few bow ties strewn on the wire.


What could be more appropriate to distinguish the car married a sign of other vehicles ?. The traditional license plate "just married" is still emulated. Be aware that some are also customizable.
You can also make your own sign there and write your names, your initialesou other formulas as "convoy of angels happy," "living married"?
For this, a core of cardboard covered with pompoms, of paper roses, of petals, feathers will be a quite adequate decoration. Tie it in a leotard banner diagionale. Of course you can customize your sign according to your wedding theme: wing feather and wonderfully illustrate a theme of angels, a beaded border will be perfect for a retro theme, straw will accommodate a theme on the western '
You can opt for a simple rectangular sign you hang on to your car by tape. for a rustic effect, circle the sign of a garland flowers. You can also attach the sign as long ribbons of crepe paper that virevolteront wind.
If you chose a theme on school or gastronomy, a slate will prove an original support for your sign leotard. The drop cap will be an innovative way to present the names of the newlyweds. cut each letter out of cardboard. Make a hole at the top of each letter that allows you to put each letter on the wire. This consists garland then attach the trunk married.
You can also print each letter in a box and you will assemble the letters together to form a banner with your message. The banner will then focus like a washing line. Register and the names of the newlyweds or just married.For a theme about love, what more appropriate that these placards heart shape surrounded by pompoms.

The stickers and markers

Like the simplicity? So why not directly write your text on your windows' Liquid markers or windows colors tubes are ideal to write or draw on your windows while being able to easily clean afterwards. You can then customize your car according to your thèmeen sketching butterflies, musical notes, stars'
Very popular in interior decoration, stickers are also emerging in the field of car decoration. Find our stickers to customize car on sale in our shop. Without much abuse, so you can decorate your doors and your windows with original decorations. Moreover you can also use specially designed stickers to decorate your body. Make a detour to the site or to find stickers to stick on the car married.
Finally, if you like to surprise your guests, the spray can be your ally. You can then make graffiti on your body. A perfect idea for a very offbeat wedding? Nice little touches, a little flag leotard may cling to the car window.

The wedding car: What means of transport?

After the ceremony ended, the newlyweds must lead the procession to go to the place of receipt. Of course the choice of means of transport depend on kilometers lying between the town hall and the reception hall. If these two places are nearby, you can for example use the bike or tandem, what will be the blink of an eye in fun sports theme. For horse lovers, the carriage will be a romantic means of transport to take you up to the room of the wine of honor. Consider also that the trailer will be perfect pourun theme bohemian or caravan / camper for a theme on the site.
For those affectionneraient the cylindered, motorcycle or sidecar easily lend to the exercise of the procession. In a more humorous version, the means of locomotion scooter seraun insoliteà the image of Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck in Roman Holiday.
If your reception room is located far from the place of the ceremony, you will need a motorized vehicle and comfortable. In this regard, the choice of vehicle may be related to your profession. The fire truck, road truck, the ambulance, the yellow cab? can be a fun way to make a procession to your image. You can carry all your guestsusing an English bus for a wedding so British! If reception is held in a location at sea or near a river, a boat tripwill be an original means of transport.
Although the choice of a car may seem trivial, consider that it will set the tone for your reception. Thus a car collection or pull let consider a reception nostalgic, limousine or a Ferrari will announce a prestigious event, a 4x4 or quad immerse your guests in an adventurous mood then the 2 CV or the ladybug will bring a note of humor to your ceremony.
(boat, trailer, fire truck, carriage, taxi, bus)

The final word

The small detail important to consider before choosing your means of transport: the volume of the wedding dress!
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