Deco ideas for candle / Candle

Deco ideas for candle / Candle

Perfect for creating a warm and friendly atmosphere, the candles have become key objects in the interior design.Easily amenable to customization, these objects may take different forms and materials to blend in perfectly with table decor. Glass, fabric, wood, metal ... unleash your imagination to make original and personalized candle holders.

The paint

If you already have glass votives or glass yoghurt pots, painting can be a very nice way to decorate. Paint and patterns or a decoration on the outline of your candle. For this, no need to have artistic talent, simply drag inside the glass a piece of paper on which the desired pattern is drawn. You can then play the pattern outside the candle following the contour of the drawing. To learn how to make lanterns painted consult the site VIVI's creations.
These glass candlesticks seen on Oncewed are a pastel color game. The little trick: the painting was done inside the candle for a worn effect. 
You can also create a mosaic effect by painting geometric shapes on your lantern, as explained by this exampleCré 
To create a frosted effect on your glass, you can use an ice pen according to this technology. This type of ornament will prove perfect for a wedding on winter theme. 
Fir or deer made from glitter will decorate perfectly your lanterns on a rural or mountain theme. Find the model templates to upload to the site Martha Stewart. 
If you like ease, also consider that there are stickers that you can paste directly on your lanterns. You can also use the Windows colors instead of painting.
photophore peinture sur verre glitter idées deco


The metal in all its forms may be the material of choice for making your lanterns. A simple sheet of metal to pushand may be used to construct an original candle. For a medieval theme and make a wreath candle holder by visiting the site Head modeling. 
The mesh will prove very useful especially for use as reinforcement to your candle. Produce and square mesh lanterns you recouvrirez paper. The mesh can also be used to create a sculpted efffet around your candle, as shown Pepita pretty on her blog.
photophore metal papier aluminium grillage fil métallique

For checkerboard effect, the fence will be perfect to delineate the contours of colored boxes. Find all of this data sheet on the site Head modeling. 
The wire also be used to make very distinguished lanterns. A simple flange swirled wire with a few beads will look great on your table. See the data sheet for this candle on the Creative. You can also simply wrap the wire around the candle in the image of this creation Burkedecor. 
You can also replace the wire with sequins in the shape of stars. To help you make the candle of this, see the siteHead modeling. 
More complicated, the wire can be used to make a mesh surrounding the candle. Insert some beads to all and get a perfect tealight for an oriental or bohemian themed image of the creation of Elizabeth. 
For more gifted, you can achieve a true wire sculpture that will highlight your tealight. Thus Colors time provide us with a perfect example of a candle to suspend finest. Consider also that the wire will be ideal for making hanging decorations. Carry handles well with the wire.
photophore metal grillage fil métallique


Clay, salt dough, polymer clay, plastibo .... materials to practice modeling abound. For an African theme, so you can make a clay tower to slide your lanterns (Photo Sény dreams). Craftymoods offers these lotuses converted into candleholders You can find the tutorial on its website. 
Similarly, the paste plastibo can be used to dial a lantern and harden in contact with air without needing to be cooked. To discover the embodiment of this candle shaped, consult the site easier House. 
If you wish to create original lanterns, consider using polymer clay with the colors of granite. This imitation of the stone will be perfect for a Zen theme. To make a stone lantern, visit the site Head modeling. 
The Fimo also offers many possibilities you can make colorful lanterns by visiting VIVI's creations. 
Simple stripes Fimo can be a very elegant candle. See the site Créaclic to see the realization of this candle. 

The plaster may also be used to produce moldings to be used in the manufacture of a candle. For inspiration, you can consult the site of i-creaplus which explained how to make a candle tulip.
photophore modelage argile pate fimo


Simple to make and original, the paper lantern bag will be a more interesting alternative for lighting in the room or outside. A candle in a glass will thus be placed inside a paper bag unfolded. The diaphanous paper effect will then create an intimate atmosphere. Remember to customize your bags with words or drawings as this presentation given by Martha Stewart. For this, you will need two bags of paper the same size. Using photocopy, write your password on one of the bags, and then cut it out. Then Put the bag blank in the bag in which the word is cut and you get around your candle. 
You can also decorate your bag with other ornaments such as rosettes of paper (Martha Stewart). 
The Chinese ball will form an ideal support to host your candle jars. The translucent effect of tissue paper will brighten your evening gently. You can then decorate the ball in the colors of your wedding by hanging butterflies for a rustic effect or pumpkin leaves for an autumn theme. 
To increase the light effect, remember to make a column of Chinese balls like this idea proposed by Martha Stewart.
photophore sac en papier

The cylindrical paper lantern will also be a variant of the paper lantern you can are fabricating yourself. To discover how to make a Chinese lantern cylindrical visit the site easier House. 

Perforated paper lanterns will also look great when suspended. Simple to perform, you will find the explanation of this achievement on the site Head modeling. 
The technique of picketing will be mobilized to draw patterns on your lanterns. You simply make a paper cylinder shade and draw in pencil your pattern around the cylinder. With a needle, then you can make holes all along the contours of the drawing. Erase and then drag a candle in a glass inside the cylinder. 
In the same idea, you can make a pleated paper cylinder to deposit around your candle. To bring a little more to your candle, make fanciful perforations (star, moon ...) with a punch. 
Your candle may also take the form of a square you perform with the paper. A simple tracing paper strip folded in 4 serve to the contour of the candle. You can then draw patterns or designs on square faces. 
To personalize your candle you can print your photos on tracing paper and use them to serve you face the candle.An idea that is sure to be a hit with your guests. 
Corrugated paper can be put to use to decorate your candles. Suffice to wrap a paper band around the plug and secure with string. A simple idea that will bring a little more to your table decoration. You can also make your other candle decoration such as paper hearts. 
Lace paper will be a more refined ornament to decorate a candle as floral decoration found in Lovemelovesmeknot. 
The napkin technique can also be used to cover your lanterns. To discover this technique in more detail, see the website of Bricokid. 
You can also use tissue paper to cover your lanterns. To give you some ideas visit of VIVI's creations. You can also make a cylindrical candle tissue paper with round designs by visiting the site Créaclic. 

The carton can be mobilized to make phosphors in the form of models according to the theme of your wedding. You can for example made ​​of cardboard a hedgehog for a theme about the nature you will find the explanationNounoubricabrac. The sailboat (Cfaitmaison) will be perfect for a nautical theme while a turret suit a medieval theme.
photophore papier de soie, papier ondulé papier calque photo

Vegetable materials

The plant is a place of choice in the manufacture of your votives. Thus a single sheet around your candle will be enough to dress up your centerpieces for a wedding on nature. You can surround your candle and a sheet (Brides) or use several sheets (Martha Stewart). Round of fresh or artificial flowers can also surround your candle for a rustic effect. 
More convenient, you can use artificial petals or flowers hearts (lily, rose) to slide your candles. A small nest candle will undoubtedly crack your guests for a wedding placed on the theme of birds.
decoration photophore fleur petale nid
Branches can also add a touch of freshness to your decor such as pine branches adorning a glass candle holder. 
In this regard, the wood will be a material of choice to decorate your votives. So you can make a small basket to slide your lanterns (Brides). Wood twigs tied together by wire may your lanterns surrounded for a very natural setting.
idees decoration photophore bois pomme vegetal
Logs or logs dug will also serve as a base for your candle on a country or autumn theme. For an exotic theme, bamboo tubes (Marie Claire Ideas) will be very original candle holders. 
Inspired by Halloween, pumpkins hollowed (Diyweddingsmag) may serve as lanterns for a theme autumn. Cut and a heart or the outline of a window in the pumpkin to let reflected light. In the same idea, dug potatoes will accommodate candles for a wedding on the theme of Adam and Eve or Snow White. 
Coconut, once excavated will also provide support for candles. To do this, drag a wick inside with melted wax.
photophore rondin de bois feuille arbre citrouille
photophore bambou feuille bois


For fine tealight what is more natural than the fabric. Ribbons organza stripes and dress your lanterns delicately.The transparency of tulle will be serving your table decoration. You can then paste the tulle on the glass or make a dreamy effect by making folds with tissue. The nonwoven also easily lend itself to the manufacture of lanterns
photophore tissu feutrine tulle dentelle
Lace photophores illustrate perfectly the baroque spirit. Black Lace (white side) or white (Photo Sény dreams), no doubt that these lanterns will unanimously with your guests. 
The felt can also be used for making lanterns on a winter theme. To do this, cut a pattern into the felt to let reflected light, go around the candle and tie the fabric to close. 
Fibrous tissues such as raffia or tarlatan perfectly suit to make a candle on an exotic theme. Their diaphanous appearance let light through while providing relief to your decor.
decoration photophore tissu dentelle papier journal

Spirit Recycling

For weddings on a budget, you can use objects diverted to make your candle jars. While traditional glass yoghurt pots are commonly used to serve as a candle holder, also consider using glass jam jars. Add a cove formed wire and voila! 
A simple glass bottle can be a very practical candle holder. You simply slide the candle inside the neck. The aluminum can create floral candlesticks once cut and repainted. To discover on our website.
photophore recup bouteille plastique pot yaourt canette oeuf
Wooden ice sticks can be recovered to form the armature of a square tealight, as found on this idea Making friends.
Scrap Tin may be perforated to let out the light of a candle. For that use a hammer and nail to make the holes in the box. Then draw patterns with the holes as in the technique of picketing.
The plastic bottle can be cleverly recylce candlestick once cut and back neck. Egg shells are also an economical material and readily available. Then Build your own candles by sliding a wick and wax in the shell. 
For a maritime theme, the oyster shells or shell (seen on Rugandblinds) can be used to create highly original candles. You can also use aluminum pie crusts to compose candlesticks on a gourmet theme, like these flowers tarts.
photophore recup coquillage bouteille boite de conserve


You can use a lot of ornaments to decorate your votives. The pen will appear ideal for such a baroque wedding.And paste feathers on your glasses as this presentation by black feathers proposed by Côté Blanc. 
The buttons can also decorate your votives gracefully as shown in this candle presented by Côté Blanc. You can also enclose your candles with string and sewing buttons as this presentation Yacadéco. Pendants wrench, anchor or other objects can decorate around your candles. 
To create the illusion of droplets covering your glass, you can paste beads on your candle. To discover this technique in more detail, see this website. 
The beads will also look great on your tables. They may be a ring around your candle (Arteflorum) or decorate your candle to form flowers (Lovesmelovesmeknot). 
You can also make wreaths candy to slip around your candles. An initiative that is sure to awaken the greed .... 
Raffia and another model (ladybug) also form very pretty ornaments for a country setting. For more great ideas lanterns, try the site Cfaitmaison.
To add style to your lanterns you can to initiave site use paper placemats to decorate your candle holders. The trendy washi tape will deliver strips or scratches on your candle. It is an adhesive or color pattern which paste as tape.
Craft and Creativity offers original and inexpensive idea: recover images or maps of old books, then cut out and stick it on your glass candle holder. This will create original decorations such as home facades. Find theexplanations here.

photophore deco washi tape napperon bouton
For a touch of glamor, you can use the rhinestone ribbon to decorate around your candles or lanterns. Cut with scissors and paste the appropriate band directly. Consider also the rhinestone buckles to give a hand to you baroque candles. Like Michaels, surround your candle with a ribbon in which you will insert a rhinestone buckle.They come in all sizes and of all types: heart, diamond, oval ...
photophore deco ruban strass boucle plume image
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