wedding theme: travel

Embark your guests to a journey around the world by choosing a wedding theme on the trip. Here is a particularly appropriate theme idea if the bride and groom are travel enthusiasts: Their escapades can be an inspiration for their wedding decoration. This theme can also be approached from a more historical perspective. The adventures of the great travelers to discover the world provide food for decoration borrows old references and authenticity. 

In a modern sense, the trip can be understood in the tourist sense with decor highlighting the visits abroad and references around the beach.
Airfare, hotel, suitcase, passport ... So many allusions evoke the great holiday departure. To help you prepare your reception, we suggest a walk in the wedding world of decoration dedicated to the theme of the trip ...

Wedding trip: the announcement

If you want to travel around the world, the passport will be the must-sesame to fly to a sunny destination. With this in mind, you can send your guests to share in the form of passport. Perfect imitation of the famous booklet or fancier presentation, you will be spoiled for choice. Call Emilie Zenchantés of paper to make a wedding scrapped passport with tags inside. In a revisited version Graphikkart offers passport while blue for the Republic married.
share wedding trip
The zenchantés papers , passport, seal, Graphikkart , seal)
To add a touch of authenticity to your announcement, a wax seal will give your invitation style a sealed letter. Then choose a seal with your initials will be glued to the tape or on the closure of the invitation. Plus: do carry a seal specially for the occasion by making a detour into the shop
Your wedding invitation can also be broken down to the form of a plane ticket. Date, time, location ... All your information will be incorporated into a fake airline ticket making your wedding day great departure. Many designers offer this type of share. In a graphic style, let yourself be charmed by this plane ticket colorful red and green directed by Julie Studio. Kelly Graphic also offers a range dedicated to the theme of travel with this airline ticket company Love Air. Succumb to the charm of this aircraft, the smoke forming a heart, with this invitation created by Marilyn.This announcement folded closed by a string is signed Pascal's orders, your guests will enjoy discovering it.

share wedding trip
For every traveler, the map will inspire an announcement that perfectly represent the theme of travel. It may well serve as the backdrop for your invitation: for a travel theme inspired by the great explorations, this antiquated map illustrated Invited to seduce your guests.

Both original and Recycling, maps watches or world maps can be used at your leisure announcement. You can for example cut out subjects (compass, heart, star) in the card and stick them on your card.

Give your invitation the appearance of a letter by cutting a card with jagged edges., Which can be accompanied by a map. Tie everything with a string of bakers twine and here's an original signed invitation Oh so Beautiful paper. The map can also be used as envelope. At the initative of Bombus (Etsy), transform maps of the world in surprising envelopes to mail your invitations

Bold statement by sending your guests an invitation in the form of puzzle. As you inspiring puzzles Geo-grafia showing the outline of the continents, you can write different announcement information (date, place, ad. ..) on the different rooms. Then Invite your guests to put the puzzle to read the invitation. For simplicity, you can also cut puzzle pieces in a map and on the back write your invitation text.

Under the effect of love, the map will be redrawn to make way for an island in the shape of heart. The seas and islands will then be renamed by more evocative terms.
Bombus , Invited to , envelope , puzzle , card, letter )

If you chose to showcase a country or city, you can use a map to illustrate the front of your card .. This card can also be used as a save the date. The postcard will also be an element a special wedding on the theme of travel. As if the bride and groom had already left on vacation, the announcement will take the shape of a simple postcard. The must: write your invitations by hand to give a more natural feel to the set. You can use scrapbooking elements to add charm to your invitations as wax seals, custom stamps, ribbons. .. Consider using one of your personal pictures as a cover for the postcard.
Surprise your guests with this announcement of Yourbeautifuldays! Grouping of illustrated cards, connected by a common thread, the announcement expands to form a mobile phone. The call can then also be used as save the date being suspended.
You can make an announcement as luggage tag. Are fabricating and several boxes in the shape of label you will drill at one of a drill and assemble with a ribbon . so invite your guests with their luggage to attend your wedding. A perfect invitation if you have decided to get married in a town or a distant country ...

share wedding trip
Yourbeautifuldays , map , card, leaflet, tags )

The globetrotters appreciate this invitation-shaped globe, that expands to let out your text. Your guests can even be hung to serve as save the date. Discover the explanations to realize in our section for use. Referring to the shape of a globe, round cut are welcome to decorate your wedding invitations. In the image of this invitation offered by a hint of spice, your card will be take the form of a round, decorated with some postal stamps. You can also decorate your card round cutouts evoking the shape of the earth. Consider also the illustrations like this balloon, designed by Innovative Interfaces, which perfectly symbolizes the libertarian spirit of the journey.
Rediscover the charm of yesteryear with an announcement in the form of souvenir box Like this invitation Angel dreaming, you can fill a small. Box of objects evoking travel: seashell, sand, compass, pebbles, Cut dried flowers ... then your card as round as you will place in the small box . To illustrate your theme on the trip, you can transform the small compass box by sticking needles on the cover. In this adventurous spirit, a wooden chest (Grapevine weddings) filled with sand will give your invitation a marine side. Then write your invitation on paper with aged effect to create the illusion of an ancient map.
wedding trip to share globe
Playful and childlike at once, your card could take the form of a paper airplane. You simply write your text on the paper and fold the air like sheet according to this model. The tourist brochure will be an inspiration to create a unique announcement. Use the zigzag folding booklet manufacturing where you can incorporate pictures of places you've visited, the access plan, postage stamps, stamps ... Anything that will give your guests a taste of travel.

Advertise your wedding theme invitation with a pretty shaped Hgocreations signed suitcase. This is a folded carton in two and cut with a case profile. To complete the invitation, ribbon glued on top just act handle.

share wedding trip
Suitcase , flyer, aircraft , flight , puzzle )

Wedding trip: the brand site

Invite your guests to go on holiday with brand-seater shaped bags. Simple to make, you just fold your cardboard easel in two. Then perform two incisions at the crease to slip a piece of ribbon to represent the handle of the bag.You can also perform a suitcase-shaped cut and hang a cardboard easel, as this brand instead of Timeless paper.

Both box dragees and brand site you can pinch the cardboard with the name of your guest in the form handles a luggage box. luggage tag to the name of your guest will be an ideal place card for a theme on the trip. You can have your name on the door back of the chair (Martha Stewart) or napkin tie with striped cord .
Here's a small gift that will please your guests, use of the label's doors (leather or other material) to serve up brand.Your guests can then reuse for their own luggage once the ceremony.

share wedding trip
Timeless paper, paper Timeless , suitcase, bag , tag, tag )
The postcard will also be a welcome table decoration on the theme of travel. You can for example use napkin, as in this example Bagodwa. The postcard bears the name can also hang on the chair. Make an incision in the corner of your postcard and slid a tape to attach it to your chair. You can then write a personal note to all your guests.

All aboard for marriage with this brand up in the form of aircraft, signed Anne O zamours which you can hang your glass. In a more sober style, the mark-up may take the form of paper airplane or origami sailboat made. Go to our section manual to discover the charts of these place cards .
Your name holder may also take the form of a plane ticket or a boarding pass in the name of your guest. On the road vacation, a mini milestone cardboard will serve you both make up and box dragees.

You can also make mini globe Fimo or polystyrene balls in which you sewing it a wire rod to create an original mark-up. Consider also transparent plastic balls to represent mini globes. Then draw the continents on the ball with the windows colors according to this explanation and drag a label with the name of your guest inside. 
mark up wedding trip
Sailboat, airplane , napkin ring, airplane , plane , postcard, tags)

Marriage: Texts Announcement

Find text ideas to share in this article .

Wedding trip: the menu

The list of dishes will turn into gourmet tour with a form of postcard menu. Present it in a stamped envelope to give your guests the feeling of having a menu that is personally addressed to them. Once again, the luggage tag s will turn into support for your decoration. It will be perfect to present your menu and will have gracefully napkin. If you are on a long menu, you can cut several boxes shaped luggage tags and tie them with a ribbon or a brad.
mark up wedding trip
(tags fan , bookmarks , envelope , napkin ring , shell)
To entertain your guests, you can rename the name of dishes evoking words whose lexical field is that of travel (excursion, stop, break ...). Introduce then your menu in the form of a map by tracing the path from the entrance to the dessert. For example, a fish-based dish can be at the seaside while the glaciers of a mountain symbolize the cake.

The menu may also be in the form of a travel book or pamphlet you égrenerez on each page the name of a dish with geographical or historical information on the menu. You can also make this book a real program by inserting the menu but also other information like the evening program, photos or anecdotes.

Inspired scrapbooking bag-like menu will give your guests a taste of the holidays. It has pockets into which are inserted cardboard boxes with the names of the dishes. Your guests will then remove them one by one to see the menu. For more details, visit our blog . The wedding menu can also take the form of a plane ticket. Discover the site of Bonheurdeco, this original menu to customize with your own colors.
Means of transport will also be an inspiration for your design on the theme of travel. So this pretty balloon designed by Zéphirine become a distinguished support for your menu.
If you want to surprise your guests, you can make balloons with balloons filled with helium and small baskets. then write your menu on the ball and hang it above the table.
Travel wedding menu
(continent, suitcase , ballooning, Bonheurdeco, brochure )
Also, consider the plane to illustrate your theme on the trip. Very easy to achieve, the paper airplane menuentertain your guests during the meal. We offer in two versions: one with a double bend you find the data sheet in our section of manual and a simpler with a cutting folded triangle to form a plane (Invitationbydawn). Inspired by awheel luggage, Pascal's orders offers this bag-like menu that will be a real invitation to travel.
As messages thrown overboard, the menu will be presented rolled in a glass bottle. This original initiative will entertain your guests will enjoy unwinding the menu card. To give a more adventure side at your wedding, you can make the form of riddles menu.

On the principle of the turnstile, you can make a round-shaped menu compass or compass that your guests will have to turn to find out the names of the dishes. The principle: make a circle imitating the face of a compass with the names of the dishes. Then fabricate another smaller circle on which you cut a notch. Assemble then the two circles with a brad. Get inspired by this model to assist in its implementation.
wedding trip airplane Compass menu
(turnstile, bottle , flight , flyer , suitcase , airplane )

Wedding trip: the seating plan

If you have chosen as table place names, the table plan as a geographic map will be especially suitable. Lay on your card and the guest list for each table.
If you have the soul of a handyman, you can achieve a geographic model on which you are attaching the panels with the guest list. Like the media to present the postcards in souvenir shops., Home of Love offers to rent a card holder. Your guests can then choose a card on the turnstile and write their little word on the front.
To indicate the direction to your guests, what better directional signs. Produce wood or fibreboard panels, behind which you will have the guest list for each table. the holiday spirit will be waiting for you with this beautiful idea invented by Martha Stewart: slide in glass vials rolled paper with the name of your guest. Each guest will thus unfold the paper to find his table. To give a taste of the holidays, and push the vials in a basin filled with sand.

wedding table plan trip
(model, bottle , card holder, panel, geographical map , placard continent )
Do you know the escort cards? Came directly from Across the Atlantic, this table plan presentation is to lay out flat on a table cards, on which you have previously written the guest's name and the name of the table where it is placed. The guest then takes the card to his name to escort him to his table. The escort card allows the guest to experience the table where it is placed, while the mark up will dictate where is located table plan key travel themehis place at table
To illustrate your theme on the trip, you can perform escort cards shaped luggage tags, postcards or plane ticket. You also have your escort cards pourrrez in compasses that guests keep gift memory.

Wink stay Spent hotel room, you can accompany your keys escort cards.Arrange then hung on a panel to create the illusion dela reception of a hotel.Your guests will feel to pick the keys to their room. The seating plan will be adequate if you gave your tables the names of famous hotel.

Pack your bags with an original table plan presented in the form of signs stored in a suitcase . With humor, you can even give your tables the names of objects such as clothing, toothpaste, toothbrush, socks ... you will put on display to create the illusion of an imminent departure. If you want more air presentation, you can make mobile which you will attach paper airplanes with the name of your guests. Then use a hoop or chopsticks to serve the mobile frame. You can also suspend labels with the names of your guests in the shape of continents or tags on luggage to a mobile or a shrub.
wedding table plan trip
(compass, shrub, bag , tags, airplane , map )

Wedding trip: guestbook

For a theme on the trip, the travel diary will emerge as an interesting model for your guestbook. If the bride and groom are travelers, they will be able to write their own stories and illustrate the book with their own pictures of tourist stay. To give a real effect, you can opt for a spiral notebook as this example directed by Bricokid. Inspire alsoa tour guide to make your attractive guest book with your guests. Places, photo, personal narrative, history of the region etc ... will help to inspire your guests to browse your guestbook.

If you chose to make yourself your guest book, a blanket covered with geographic map will give your book its originality. The envelopes guest book will also find its place in a decoration on the theme of travel. and paste color casings inside your book and conviez your guests to slip their small words with discretion.
The postal guestbook will emerge as an interesting alternative to traditional book. The idea is to make available pre-stamped postcards suspended from a ribbon or a washing line. Then Invite your guests to send you by mail the card with their young after the ceremonies. Alternatively, the jumble. Pretty satin ribbons stretched diagonally across a panel constitute a practical support to slide your postcards.
Wedding guest book travel
Book posta l, travel diary, jumble, postcards, envelopes , map)
Wink to mail holiday, the mailbox can also be used as urns messages. This original idea is sure to entertain your guests, who will post their humorous little words. case can also be converted into urn for your messages. See our shop for luggage boxes to customize as you wish. A simple panel on which your guests write their little words will be a practical guest book that you can keep in memory on the wall.
Note the honeymoon date a white stone with a guestbook form of éphérémide. Submit your guests to write a few words on each page of the calendar. You can then explore the thoughts of your guests throughout the year.The guest book may also be declined as a list box. Make available maps on which your guests can write their stories and suggest them to their card in the box following the letter of their last name.
Wedding guest book travel
Directory , bag, calendar, sign, mailbox)

Wedding trip: the wedding urn

For a theme on the journey, the means of transport can be an important source of inspiration. You could thus a wedding urn-shaped boat, plane, car camping or even train. Call the service of an urn designer as Creatyves which makes this stunning urn-shaped aircraft.
Air and original, your urn will take the form of a hot air balloon. With a net, hang a wicker basket with a balloon filled with helium. Your guests will only have to submit their envelopes in the basket.
A simple box covered with a map or stamp will make wedding urn office (Photo Marie Claire Ideas No. 79).

The wedding urn may also take the form of a model hotel, gifts your guests will help you go on a trip in the hotel of your dreams. Next place your honeymoon, you can use a wedding reproducing urn housing the country's image of this Creole house built by Aline.

For convenience, you can divert a suitcase or trunk customiserez you to make your wedding urn. If you want a more personalized decoration, you will find paper bags boxes Mach é in our shop . Make an incision for envelopes with a grinding wheel and comb the bomb or decorate it with leaves décopatch. The mailbox is also very convenient to collect the envelopes of your guests, who will feel you send mail. 
Wedding travel urn boat plane
Aircraft , mailbox, boat, hotel, house Creole )

The globe will also be needed as a perfect urn idea for a theme on the trip. You can for example use a lantern ball on which you represent the continents. See this fact sheet for details. Consider also the paper mache to make a round box. and paste strips of paper glued on a plastic balloon filled with air. Let dry, then perform the incision to slide envelopes. Help yourself to this data sheet (English) for achieving 
Wedding travel urn globe suitcase
Lantern ball , globe, suitcase, trunk, luggage, box)

Wedding trip: room decoration

Delight your guests with a light and airy décor featuring paper airplanes circling above the room. A nice tribute to the trip, which will give your decor a childish side also ...
The map will be once again an ally of choice for your bathroom decoration. You can use it to make objects like these to suspend small rosettes or even these flags (Marie Claire idea No. 79)   tensioned wire rack. You can also make a curtain geographical map suspending maps to a clothesline.
You can even make a paper wreath to decorate your walls or your beams. You simply cutting strips of paper in a map. Then perform an oval with the strip sticky ends meet, and then pass inside the oval another band you also will stick to form another oval. Continue this for making a whole garland.

The postcards will also help to decorate your ceiling, and realize that you will suspend mobile maps. As for the flags of different countries, they will decorate the walls of the room or ceiling. If you chose to inspire the great travelers of the nineteenth century, your room decoration will convey the spirit of vintage shows. Those old letters found, you can turn yellow paper (with coffee mare) you estampillerez with pads to create the illusion of vintage paper. These yellowed pages can then be used to make a garland of flags or even a mobile with pieces cut out of the paper. You can also stick them to the wall with the patafix to give your decor the charm of ancient and authentic objects.

decoration wedding hall trip
(mobile, pennants, curtain, old papers, garland , rose, postcards)

Make a mural (Marie Claire Ideas No. 79) by having on your wall a clever arrangement of maps, postcards, personal photo, tourist brochures and other assorted objects (with patafix) that will personalize your decor while providing the illusion of an inhabited room. This idea will be able to be very useful if you want to hide a wall.

S suitcases arranged here and there will furnish your room while announcing your next departure for the honeymoon. Inspiring you to this scenography by Nadine Warrior, you can create the illusion that you are about to leave for your honeymoon. Small globes made ​​of paper mache (Marie Claire Ideas No. 79) or with polystyrene balls of different sizes also find their place on the buffet table or guest book.

Choose a theme on the trip, but also take your guests worldwide. For that objects of different cultures will be exposed in your room. Think of x African masks, Egyptian statues, the Indian batik etc ... to help you beautify your room.

room decoration wedding trip
(suitcases, exotic decoration, paper airplanes , globe, mural)

Wedding Travel: Table Decoration

Bold statement by using unusual materials to serve your vase flower arrangements. And a mini suitcase or trunk filled with flowers illustrate your wedding theme perfectly while surprising your guests. Dispose of oasis foam blocks inside and sew flowers to make a nice floral decoration. You can also customize vases pasting pieces of maps (Martha Stewart ) or postage stamps.

It sometimes takes a few details make all the difference: floral compositions where you stuck a postcard at the end of a rod will prove to be centerpieces in line with your theme.

Consider also the globe to enhance your table decoration. You can make mini paper mache globes which you can top with flowers for a spring effect. Both candle and center table, a lantern ball reproducing a globe create a sublime effect once an LED candle or an electrical LED g smoothed inside. A big rattan ball along with some flowers also suggest the round shape of terrrestre globe. It will bring a natural side to your decor while staying in line with your wedding theme.

For decoration borrows seniority, stacked atlases can also decorate your table centerpiece. You can have theenvelope packages to evoke the holiday mail.
Also note the surprising idea of ​​turning old books in original vases. By a clever cutting edge of the book, the paper vases give an old hand at your table decoration.
wedding centerpiece travel
(suitcase, rattan ball , book, postcard, vase book , globe, suitcase)

If you find the flowers too expensive to buy, you can make an aircraft bouquet paper . You simply paste paper airplanes of different sizes at the end of metal rod that you will have in a vase. Also think of the model aircraft, car or boat to your table on the theme of travel. The map, once laminated, may be used in table runner for decoration prompt an invitation to travel. You can also cut to the punch forms a star, heart or birds you parsemerez in confettion your table. Of fake postage stamps can also make your table.

Wedding travel center table
(Globe, sailing, confetti, stamps, paper lantern, paper airplanes)

Wedding Travel: Gifts for guests

What could be more appropriate to illustrate a theme on the trip as boxes dragees shaped bags or wheeled luggage in plastic or metal . Plastic transparent boxes these will enhance your favors or treats. You can accompany a personalized sticker . The suitcase dragees box can also be divided into metal or even cardboard.Voutre find a cardboard suitcase boss here (svg file working with Inkscape) If you chose is decorated in a century of great travelers, wooden chest decorated with a pattern map will be perfect to serve dragees box. You can eg fill of chocolate gold coins to create the illusion of the treasure of the Incas. Slide a personalized card in and that's an original gift on the theme of travel!

Wedding gift boxes travel suitcase

With a little imagination and DIY, you can transform cube boxes in small packages ready to be posted. Make mini stamps with your photo and paste a label with your names and wedding date. Take a detour to the site of the Post Office that allows you to make stamps with your image. You can also make shaped label tags that you slip into arope hanging around the box.
Surprise your guests by decorating your boxes with packaging made ​​from maps . Discover the Sharp studio site valuable and vintage creations in the image of these matchboxes covered with paper world map pattern and surrounded by bakers twine . So you can customize all kinds of boxes (cushion, tube ...) and fit your wedding theme.The mail paper red and blue pattern may be grounds for your dragees boxes. Just like that horn made ​​in the image of the US Airmail, give style to your favors boxes taking up codes (color, logo) of La Poste. Make your guests travel with dragees box decorated with a plane cardboard (the dragé

wedding gifts Travel
Stamp label , match box , pouch, stamped box , package , label tag, horn )
Your wedding will reflect the colors of the world with small pendants souvenirs representing different countries as gifts to femmes.Présentez them in boxes écrinà transformed into jewelry for the occasion. For men, alcohol miniatures from different countries (rum, sake, ouzo ...) will surprise your guests. Customize them by sticking alabel with the bride and groom names and date of the big day If you have chosen to showcase Cuba cigars will prove to be a perfect gift idea for your wedding. You can drag a ring with your names around the cigar. Your wedding will be a pretext for greed with issues treats different countries (fortune cookie, candy and maple syrup, Eastern pastry ...). Let your guests discover local specialties which will replace the traditional sweets. No doubt this initiative will be highly appreciated.
wedding gifts Travel
(fortune cookie, pendants , rum cakes, cigars , liquor bottle )
The original will be put with soaps wrapped in maps and stamped with a sticker with your names. Give your guests the world! You can use transparent balls you aurrez painted prior to following this example , to form a surprising dragees containers. Another idea: make mini globe papier mache to create a unique dragees boxes. Use a ball made ​​of polystyrene or clear plastic to serve as support. Glue your paper strips with tapestry glue to make the paper mache. Once dry, cut the ball in half to remove the polystyrene ball inside. Once painted, it will do more than fill your candy balls. To symbolize the kilometers that separate you from your destination honeymoon, the milestone will inspire an original dragees box.
wedding gift box dragees travel
Soap , milepost, Monoi balm, lip stick lips, box plane , transparent ball )
Dragees may also give way to more useful gifts like this travel candle , where you can paste a sticker with your names and wedding date. Of luggage label holders are also welcome to represent your wedding theme. There is also a gift to your guests make coasters geographical map pattern. Then hang a ribbon with a printed card with your names around the coaster. All that is useful for a vacation may be offered to your guests. Thus the sunglasses will find their place among a kit to thank your guests. Consider also the thongs but the bottle of Monoi, stamped with alabel with your names.

wedding gifts to guests travel
Keychains flip flops , sunglasses , travel plug, flip flops , door luggage tags, coasters )

Wedding Travel: napkin folding

Wedding trip: the table names

  • The names of the country or city you have visited
  • A word in several languages: Love, Thank you ...
  • famous monument names: Eiffel Tower, Taj Mahal, the Pyramids Caïre ...
  • The name of the wonders of the world: The Lighthouse of Alexandria, the Temple of Artemis, the pyramids of Egypt, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, the Colossus of Rhodes, the statue of Zeus at Olympia
  • The name of travel agency: Jet Tour, New Frontiers, Marmara ...
  • The name of famous hotels: Ritz Carlton, Hilton, Sofitel ...
  • The name accessories to go on holiday: Bermuda shorts, sunglasses, swimsuit ...
  • The name of the great explorers: Marco Polo, Christopher Columbus, Vasco da Gama
  • Expressions: making good trip, be traveling, do not be disappointed with the trip, good wind ...
  • Quotes trip: Happy who, like Ulysses, has made a great trip (Du Bellay) But the true travelers are those who go there to leave (Baudelaire) ...

The final word

To make your wedding a real trip, you can ask some relatives to play "tourist guide" the time of the evening.
Wearing a badge stamped on behalf of your wedding, they will take care to welcome guests at the reception.Another tip to make your wedding more fun, replace the rice paper airplanes that your guests will throw married at the church exit. Pretty pictures in perspective ...

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