The wedding theme

Not mandatory, but highly recommended, the wedding theme reveals a key element to customize your wedding and mark the minds of your guests. Original, classic, humorous, romantic ?. You have to find the theme that suits you.

What are your passions ? Your hobbies ? Your job ? Your artistic tastes? Your favorite movie? Your CollectionsYour musical style? Color? Your origins? Your meeting ?. A small phase of introspection and ideas come naturally 'Get inspired the Chinese picture.
But for those who are stuck for inspiration, this article will give you some tips to easily find your wedding theme.

Nature themed wedding

Just look around to find a source of inspiration as the nature full of wealth and beauty. The abundance of vegetation, flowers, animals are so many wedding theme ideas, likely to enchant your guests.
Let's start with a stroll in the countryside. Widespread, the country marriage remains one of the easiest to perform because of the profusion of wedding items sold on this theme. Birds, ladybugs, roses, butterflies , poppies .. are all subjects that could be a decoration, full of gaiety and color.
Then, turning a boat tour, get inspired by the aquatic world to decline a decoration on the theme of the marsh : dragonfly, lily pads, reeds ?. will delight your guests in a serene and relaxing atmosphere.
Climb in altitude and enjoy the snowy landscapes and pine forests to breathe a breath mountain at your wedding.Chalet, snow, logs' teinteront your evening with a rustic and warm atmosphere, marked by the crackling fire in the fireplace.
For chilly, go smell the sea spray and the salty ocean breeze for a nautical decor , drowned beneath the sand and seashells galore.
During your travels, admire nature to adorn its finery the seasons: spring, summer, autumn , winter will make beautiful decorations.
Exhausted from all the traveling, fall asleep under the stars and take in to watch the sky at night.
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Geographical location wedding theme

Continuing our little walk ?. Choose a city, a region or a country theme can be a great way to travel guests or even disorient them.
Attached to your roots, playing the local card theme taking your city or department: North, Provence, Lorraine, Paris'Vous're spoiled for choice.
Have African, Oriental, Gypsy or Asian, surprise your guests by recreating the atmosphere of your home country:Asia, Bohemia, Senegal, Morocco, India are some examples?.
Coup of the heart during a visit to a country or a foreign city, offer your guests a getaway through your décoration.La Greece, Spain, India, Venice, South America, Tahiti, the United States, the exotic ? You choose the destination.
Finally, the journey is your true passion, feel free to offer your guests a little tour of the world through the various trips you avezeffectués.
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Passion wedding theme

You want a wedding that looks like you? Dare to highlight one of your passions. More traditional as the arts in general: cinema , music ?, Poetry, art, painting, literature, sculpture, dance, photography, theater to the more unusual such as computing, gaming, TV, astrology, hunting, fishing, origami, cooking, comics? Tell your guests that you are.
Some arts can also be divided into more specific themes: music can disntinguer by style, painting by art movement (jazz, opera, rock, rap?) ( Pop art , the dance impressionism, mannerism, surrealism?) by style (classical, salsa, flamenco, tango?), poetry by movement (the galaxy, symbolism, surrealism?) writers by genre or movement '.
liste trouver choisir thème de mariage loisirs informatique télévision cinéma musique art théâtre

Sports themed wedding

Fan of football or basketball, the theme of a wedding may well focus on your sport. Unusual and even rare sports-themed wedding is none the less rich and offbeat. Consider in particular that sports can be easily combined with other more traditional themes and romantiques.En effect, outdoor sports (horse riding, golf, hiking?) Easily associate with a country theme, water sports (swimming, diving , sailing) to the marine theme, winter sports (skiing, skating) to a mountain and winter theme.
As for field sports (football, rugby?) Or indoors (basketball, volleyball), we can always recreate a decoration or why not use the playground as a reception room!
Finally, motorsports (motorbike , car) also found fertile ground in wedding decoration as beauty beautiful displacements can make an impression on your guests.
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Profession wedding theme

Your profession is your passion, make your wedding theme! It will amuse your guests probably in a relaxed and offbeat atmosphere. So your guests can play doctor at a wedding under the sign of health, apothiciares offer pills and know their guests, teachers will be able to recreate a classroom ... Chemistry, fashion, architecture, aviation , archeology, mechanics, bakery? There are many professions that may result in a wedding theme. Make use of humouret use your work materials to make your decor. Guaranteed effect!
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Gourmand theme wedding

Know for the greediest, as a wedding theme may focus on a food or a particular product. Among the best known, we will mention candy, chocolate, spices, wine, or fruit. You must complete the list according to your desires 'Coffee, tea, bread, alcohol, oils'.
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Historical or artistic wedding theme

For history buffs, the marriage can be an opportunity to discover or rediscover a significant historical period. Turn the machine to travel back in time and relive your guests do the Egyptian kingdom, the Roman Empire, Ancient Greece, the medieval era , the reign of Louis XIV, the Inca reign, Viking battles, the great discoveries of the XIX or the period baroque , the Roaring twenties. ..
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Themed wedding film genre

Literature and film are an inexhaustible source of inspiration. Choose the type that suits you: Realize your dream with a wedding under the sign of fairy tales, return to childhood through the wonderful world of Walt Disney , play cowboys and Indians in a Western atmosphere, go hunting treasure on your pirate ship, play as Indiana Jones and start your adventure, enter the land of elves and goblins, dancing on Broadway musicals, go on a desert island with Robinson Crusoe, dive into the world of Celtic king Arthur, conquer space aboard your spaceship, transform your guests with a magic wand, conduct the investigation with Agatha Christie? What adventures ahead for a party like no other!
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Theme collectible wedding

Are you a collector? And if marriage was a perfect opportunity to show your collection! Perfumes, coins, gems, stamps, metal toys' There is an infinite number of collectibles that can be used for wedding decorations, so if you launch yourself in an exhibition ...
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Theme wedding place of leisure

Perfect for making a festive wedding, leisure venues are a good source of expiration ins for wedding themes.carnival or library? Places of entertainment are numerous and you just think about your activities weekend to see a multitude of places of all kinds: carnival, circus, carnival, pub, disco, zoo, safari, kindergarten , museum, library, massage room, spa ...
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Conceptual theme wedding

For those who like symbols, wedding decoration can also include an abstract concept such as the colors, the five senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste), luck (clover, horseshoe '), the love, the elements (air, water, fire, earth), mythology, angels, time, space, wind, surprise ? You will now simply to find the objects that embody the chosen concept.
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The final word....

As you could see, wedding themes are plentiful and varied. Hopefully this article has helped you find your happiness ... Last tip: Remember above all that a wedding is in two, so do not hesitate to mobilize your spouse to choose a common theme ....
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