Ideas for wedding menu presentations

Ideas for wedding menu presentations

Essential to the wedding reception, the menu is a challenging design element, since it requires a support on which they can write a minimum of information. This therefore limits the need decorating choices. However, brides show great ingenuity to present an original way menu, as we try to show in this article.
Individual menu card, table or menu by the menu tree at the entrance of the room? That's the first question to ask yourself before starting creating his menu cards. Prefer a general menu or menu card per table if your table decoration is already loaded. We recommend individual menu if the tables offer enough space, but if you want to leave a little souvenir to your guests. 
Once decided on the type of menu, it's time to focus on the presentation of the menu. Cardboard easel fan card ... Here we will expose a number of menu presentation ideas, which I hope will inspire you.

Wedding Menu: ideas cardboard and paper

For a menu for table or presented at the entrance, the idea of a sign on an easel remains the most used solution is at the entrance of the room, or on the table. No doubt, the menu is well located and easily identified. It's up to you to decorate the presentation to your wedding colors: ivy, butterfly, flowers, scroll '. You're spoiled for choice.
As for the individual menu, the most common presentation rest simple cardboard, introduced standing or lying on the plate. This presentation will appeal to your talents carterie: ribbon, glitter, dried flowers, shaped perforations of the heart, of étoiles'.Les ways to decorate a card are numerous, let yourself be guided by your theme.
In the same idea, the towel cardboard can also slip into pocket a folded towel or napkin to be attached by a ribbon. This very elegant presentation undoubtedly will delight your guests.
Another type of presentation: The menu can also be rolled and tied with a ribbon, raffia or with twisted gold wire.
Often used for medieval theme, the parchment may also be used to make very original menus. You can also cook your recipes yourself, find yourself making recipe on the site Trollcalibur.
To bring originality to your menu, nothing like cutting. Choose a shape to suit your wedding theme. And a heart-shaped menu will be perfect for a theme about love, a range remind Asia, a theme on a star constellations etc ... The round shape is also very fashionable, you may submit it to the held in a vertical napkin folding. Equally playful, this Diary Sweet Designs menu takes the shape of a ball with a grant theme on children or on the wind. To perfect the presentation, a ribbon adorns the oval shaped card, as if the ball was attached to a string.
At the initiative of the agency he was a day, the menu may take the form of a circle suspended in a frame. This highly original menu will blend into an Asian theme. A touch of spices also offers a menu at the new form. It is presented as a card to be placed on the table with the dishes placed on round cardboard connected by a ribbon.
For a theme on fairy tales, the menu may take the shape of a clock. To do this, simply add the rotating needle at the center of the box. Use a brad to allow rotation. As in this exemplary Sohotaco, the square-shaped menu shows the dishes according to the different stages of meal. You can also have the menu in a closed pouch whose colors give the illusion of a checkerboard. To help you can consult this data sheet.
Here is a simple but so clever idea: make a circle the size of the plate center and register there your dishes and place it in the center of the plate. An idea that will put your guests appetite ... Your menu board can be inspired bythe shape of a glass. This festive idea easily melt in your table decoration. Drawing on popsicle sticks you can create a menu with a wooden stick stuck in your menu card. If you have chosen a theme gluttony, this presentation will be ideal recalling both an ice cream stick a lollipop.
For a theme about the nature, your menu will be in the form of a flower. Write the name of a dish on each petal. To assemble the petals together, make a hole at the tip of each leaf and thread each petal together in a brad. Then attach the flower to a stick. In another version, we offer this flower poses r which it will unfold the petals to find out the name of the dishes. Find this creation and explanations on our site.
Go and with pleasure with menu ideas with duplication. Indeed, tablets and peas offers this menu very urban inspiration which will also towels round office. Both brand and menu page, the bookmark menu will be shaped very simple to achieve. A perfect idea for a medieval theme or literature ....
menu_mariage_fleur_assiette_rond_serviette_marque page
Bet on originality with a menu as a placemat. Created by Martha Stewart, this menu all in length located under the plate hang over the edge of the table, leaving your guests care to discover the dishes while dining. It is also emphasized the elegance of this spiral of Intaglio menu seen on the blog Pretty Weddings. To help you in its completion, you will be inspired by this tutorial on how to write a text in a spiral.
To make your valuable menu, you can choose to have it in a pocket as long as any menu guests will discover the exiting through the tape. Inspiring you to the technique of quilling, you can do the unexpected menus. The quilling involves rolling paper around a small stick giving the paper strip shaped spirale.Vous can for example print your menu on a long strip of paper and lightly wrap around the towel (Photo blog celebration
For a menu fit with your theme, you can make models of objects with strips of paper like this you will find toboggan carrying on our site.
Consider also the mulberry paper that will look great for achieving your menu cards. For a theme to Egypt or the Roman Empire, you can also make papyrus, which you will find the recipe here. Make small rolls as well as the Romans did to transmit their messages, a decoration idea that will undoubtedly appreciated.
The menu can also be declined as a map. Use the name of your dishes to name the villages, mountains, lakes, forests' and thus offer your guests a taste journey that certainly amuse. If you have chosen a theme in literature, you can present your block as menu note. Attach your menu board with pliers on a board (blog
Straight out of the playground, the paper will make a casserole of the most original menu and bring a playful touch to your wedding. Your guests will discover the menu and dishes by opening the edges of the pan. To make this realization of our childhood, go on the website of C3line where you will find a data sheet. Taking inspiration from origami, you can make different forms like the plane of paper you will find on our blog.
Another interesting initiative: the candle menu made ​​with tracing paper. This new model is a great success with brides. It must be said that its dual use, both practical and decorative menu makes this a must-decoration idea.Perfect for creating an intimate atmosphere, menu entries will be further highlighted that once lit candle. For those who are interested in this project, you will find the explanation on the website of C3line. You can also make this menu using a wooden frame, ideal for an Asian theme or on nature.
Increasingly widespread, the fan-shaped menu met with great enthusiasm. Combining aesthetics and practicality, this menu has several variants: range, flower, leaves, butterflies, lights, clap? The mode of attachment remains the same, only vary the cutting blades (petals, sheets, strip ...) and the clip (Ribbon, brad, raffia, door key?). You can also display the menu by simply placing it on the plate (open range, half-open. ') Or perform a composition with a pot and a wand to present the vertical. This type of menu is well fit many themes such as nature, the countryside, the marsh, autumn, Spain? For a more detailed explanation of the embodiment, detour by the siteC3line.
The scrapbook full of ideas that can be used to make menus. Simply change the photographs with the name of your dishes. To give you some ideas here are some scrapbooking achievements may serve menu. Click the name of the implementation to access technical data sheets Scrappons together.
The explosion box, which is in the appearance of a simple cubic box, leave the menu appear when you open the lid. Also, you can decorate the candy box, pouches dragees or other accompaniments. This box is exploding, will no doubt feeling!
Another idea: The tag book. It appears as a small booklet-shaped label. Very cute, this little book will reveal the menu when opened. A wise book, perfect for the theme of school ...
There is also the round menu disc-shaped. This menu is to discover the dishes by rotating a disk. To do this, simply make a cardboard disk where the dishes are written and tie with a brad, another drive where you cut an opening in the first triangle. Find the template of the round menu with frog here.
A menu asteroid? This is an idea that should delight those who have chosen a celestial theme. Again it will be enough to write the dishes on the faces of the star and arrange on the table so that guests can enjoy this realization is both useful and aesthetically pleasing.
Blink of an eye to smokers, the matchbox menu impresses with its practical form and space-saving. This menu, perfect for a theme on the fire or four elements, unfolds like an accordion, and revealing different dishes of names.
Very handy for guessing, the book will leave labels see the dishes coming out the labels of their cases. Just like the suitcase-shaped menu, rename the titles according to your theme. An idea which you find the illustration here.
The surprise card in the form of a pouch can also be an original menu. When you will draw on menu cards, place them simultaneously revealing the list of dishes. To better understand the map and find the user manual, consultthis article.
Designed by, this menu shaped square to unfold will be a fun decoration for your initiative. On the principle of the paper casserole, guests will discover the details of the dishes based on titles.
Of course all these menu ideas can decline on different themes, it just takes a little imagination to customize the colors of your wedding. A small cut and voila: consider a health menu tong (photo, camera, chairs or suitcase ?.
Near the folding origami, the accordion menu will be an original initiative. Once opened, folding expands like a spring, creating a surprise. What entertain your guests ....
The turnstile menu is inspired by the star-shaped menu in a simpler version. It is limited to a single thickness of cardboard and adds a "menu" banner on the side. The dishes are always written on the sides of the star. You can put on the table or raise it with a wire, as desired.
The cube can also be used for example to a theme of the game, by performing a menu shaped dice. It will then be enough to present a menu on each side according to the numbering. What a great way to entertain your guests!Only drawback: to ensure that the menu fits on all six sides. Make your menu a real surprise with this form of gift package menu. The principle: when you open the lid of the box, the sides of the cube are opening revealing the name of dishes. Find this creation on our blog.
Both original and graph, the f lag book inspired us a surprising menu featuring both the names of dishes and a photo. For a graphic effect, cut the different cards here draw the face of Marilyn Monroe, a perfect way to illustrate a theme. Discover this realization on our website.
If the menu should be a message, it would undoubtedly traits of an envelope. This is a fun idea to present his menu, that will fit a theme about writers or stamps. Consider also the postcard which prove perfect for a theme on the trip. Write and flat on the back of the card, so you can for example tie with string in the towel as if it were a postal packet (Jitterbugweddings).
To give relief to your menu, you can present it as a skewer. Put and the different boxes on a wooden spike. This idea will be appropriate for a gourmet theme or on nature. Other: idea: hang the menu at the chair (PhotoWingaerchic). You simply attach the box with tape to achieve this original presentation.
For all in relief menu, you can also make cardboard casings as this pyramid, perfect for a theme about Egypt or the beach hut inside which the menu slips, and you find the explanation on the website of CFAIT house.
Camera suitcase piano? Boxes models that can contain your menu are numerous and can be declined in abundance on your wedding theme. A little ingenuity and a lot of tinkering, the result will be wonderful!
idees_menu_mariage_cabine plage_pyramide_carte_postale_lettre

Wedding Menu: glass ideas

The transparency of glass that will not put more value in your menus. So why not recreate the famous bottle in the sea the time of a marriage placed under the sign of the sea? For a fairytale wedding, you can also roll your menus and drag them in small vials as would be done with magicians spells.
You can also use your vases or bottles as support for your menus. Then paste the menu on the vase like you would with a bottle label. Consider also using the glass painting to write your menus on your bottles or your vessels.
A simple but practical idea: write directly to the menu on the bathroom window. If you have a glass wall between the hall of honor and the wine of the meal, this will be the ideal.
Recently appeared, transparent balls are a real gold mine for the wedding decor and the menu is a perfect illustration. A simple ribbon which are hung a few boxes with the names of the dishes is enough to make a pretty wreath that will fit elegantly in a transparent ball. To see the realization of this menu, in more detail, see the datasheet of An idea of simple and original menu! The transparent ball can serve as accreditation on the map created by Graphikkart where a packed ball finds its place in a card with a round incision.
Both candle and menu, this menu takes the shape of a flower will be easy to duplicate. Inexpensive, simply recover glass jars (The Milkmaid) and set the banner around the rim of the pot. Find this menu and technical specifications on our website.
Play on transparency by presenting a menu engraved on Plexiglas. Wedding Decorations offers a menu plexiglass heart-shaped, ideal for a theme on Love.

Wedding Menu: plant ideas

The plant also appears as a potential medium to write a menu. To do this, simply find wide enough to contain leaves the presentation of a dish. Consider the leaves of our forests (maple, oak, ash?) To write your menus on an autumnal theme. An original and inexpensive idea for an ephemeral decoration.
Moreover, this idea can also be applied to an exotic theme. Consider the diversity of exotic foliage (banana leaves, philodendron, monstera, pothos, Washingtonia?) That will allow you to write your entire menu on a piece of paper. Only small problem: the exotic foliage are expensive to purchase.
Finally, a vase, a jar of boxwood or flowers, a plant composition? can always be used to support a placard with the menu.

Wedding Menu: mineral ideas

Once again, the slate can be mobilized to decorate your wedding. Perfect for a theme about the school, bistros or countryside, slate will lend itself more to a presentation of the main menu or a menu per table. This presentation of the slate on menu as do restaurant owners will confer to your wedding a touch of authenticity and conviviality greatly appreciated.
For a Zen-themed wedding or by the sea, the rollers are an ideal medium to write your menu. Allow roller with flat and make a composition with these stones. The rustic and informal side rollers give your reception a warm side.

Wedding Menu: ideas with wood

Wood can once again provide support for branding your menu. Wooden logs, wooden tray, bark ... give a rustic look to your decoration in the continuation of a theme on the mountains or countryside. Discover our menus engraved on wood logs for sale in our shop.
You can also use wood panels to write your menu there as if it were a painting.
For a summer wedding, opt for shaped popsicle sticks menus. Simple design, these menus require only a single stick and cardboard. No doubt these staggered menus will excite your guests.

Wedding Menu: iron wire ideas and models

The wire can also be used to support your card menu. Just like the gilt frame carved with enchanted parenthesis, so you can sculpt various forms relating to your theme (butterfly, the heart, flower?) And use it to keep your menus.Hanging on the edge of the plate, napkin or dive into the polymer clay, there are several ways of presenting the menu with wire. Choose the presentation for you.
The wire will allow you to give style to your menu card. So you can make shapes (Photo Wedding sun) or letters that you slip into a perforated card. Visit our website to discover the menu with the initials and technical specifications.
If you are good at DIY, you can make a miniature model of a subject related to your wedding theme. Some small pieces of wood (ice cream stick, eg matches) enough to create an original menu support. Consider includingsunlounger or menu to the idea of sailing in menu.

Wedding Menu: ideas on fabric

Equally original, you can write your menus on the fabric with a special pen. So use your towels as support either directly or by hanging a sheet with the menu.
You can also print your menus directly on your paper towels (Photo design Elsje). Make a detour to the site Garden creations that will explain the details of this achievement. But know that there are companies who are responsible for achieving your towel on menus. 
You can also use the fabric in order to value your menu, think for example to carry out small pockets fabric to slip your menu as in this instance decorated with a small flower fuchsia.
In a sober and elegant menu, you can have your menus in leather card holder. To put on the table or on the plate, this presentation will also be a gift for your invité.l'originalité will bet with the printed menu on tape that you find at enchanted parenthesis. Arrange the ribbon menu napkin for a refined presentation
Finally if you want to make a general menu, you can use the fabric as frame to expose your menu. Linen, cotton, silk ... You can use a special pen to write cloth name your dishes. For a themed décor islands or of nature, feel free to use fibrous tissues like raffia, abaca, jute, sisal ....

Wedding Menu: ideas on objects

Next your wedding theme, you can pretty much commandeer different objects to include your menu. Some examples: a paint palette will be ideal for a theme on painters, presented a plate on a base will fit completely to a theme of gastronomy, an exceptional book will support a theme or the library writers, a scrawled mirror lipstick is perfect for a glamorous and romantic theme, comic strip reinvented for menu needs will be very original for a theme on comics, a range contribute its refined touch for an exotic topic or the monarchy, a globe can be used to support a theme on the trip, a lantern for an oriental theme, partition or disk vinyl will perfectly illustrate a theme on music. Reflect on your theme, you will certainly find objects that could serve as a support to your menu.
Both gift and menu, you can write your menu on a paper bag filled with sweets or cakes. Ask the plate, original menu that will seduce your guests. Close with a clothespin or personalized sticker and voila! It is also emphasized the originality of these menus written on mini flower pots. These jars will also be present office while embellishing the center table. A simple printed paper tape stuck around the pot enough to spring a surprise.
If you have chosen a theme wedding on the painting, you can make your menu a true work. Write and table names on different consistency of paper and paste them on a canvas frame to create a real table. Then have the canvas on an easel at the entrance of salle.Pour bring a vintage touch to your wedding, write the dishes on a baroquemirror with an erasable marker.
The candles also offer an ideal support for a menu. You can burn your menus on candles by a craftsman or write them yourself with a wax pen. This menu will be a gift for your guests memories that will be consumed over lunch for an ephemeral decoration. To inspire you, here's a nice menu presentation, made from a hyacinth vase and colored sand.
Also fun for your guests, you can offer them a puzzle-shaped menu. Place the pieces in a transparent ball or box and let your guests reconstitute the menu to discover the names of the dishes.

Menu reformulation

Running out of ideas to rephrase your wedding menu? Find menu reformulation of ideas by visiting this section

The final word

Still lack of idea? You can check my menu creations whose explanations are grouped under the headinginstructions.
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